The Best Fake Urine for a Drug Test: Tips for Passing on Short Notice

If you need to pass a drug screening with flying colors and on short notice, the first thing users need to know is that screening technology has advanced dramatically to the point where the traditional ways to fake the tests like drinking a lot of water to dilute your urine is already a thing in the past. 

The best thing to do is to prepare the body as advance as possible by avoiding drug use once you find out that you are scheduled for a drug exam. When there is no time to remove any traces of illicit drugs from your system, there are last-minute methods that you can try to trick the system. And if everything else fails, knowing all the rights can help you a lot. In this article, we will teach you the best ways users can deal with a screening on short notice.

To find out more about synthetic urine, you can check out this link for more information.

Be prepared to be tested

Give yourself as much time as you can. With every passing day between the last time you consumed illegal drugs, and the date of the scheduled testing, your chances of passing the screening will go up. If you have time to prepare, you need to use it wisely and avoid using the substance at all cost until you are well in the clear. 

No matter what kind of substance you have been using, you are better off avoiding them in advance instead of relying on ineffective techniques to fake the screening. If the testing is to be administered by the company you are employed in, most cases should get a fair warning before the scheduled examination. 

The date might be random, and you might not know the exact time and date of the test, but you will be given a chance to know the week of the scheduled screening. You need to pay attention to your company’s drug policies so you can prepare for it instead of not knowing and getting caught off-guard. If you are being tested because you are on probation, the drug examination is likely to be scheduled beforehand. 

Do not let the examination day sneak up on you; get your system ready in advance. Of course, it is not always possible to your body for the examination; if you get pulled over by a police officer because they suspect you for drug intoxication, you might need to take the test there and then. While the surprise screening is almost impossible to pass, there are still ways you can do to give yourself a better chance of passing with flying colors.

To find out more about drug testing, you can check out

Find what kind of screening you will be taking

There are four traditional types of screening: blood, urine, hair and saliva tests. The standard five-panel includes testing for cannabinoids like hash and marijuana, amphetamines like methamphetamine, speed, ecstasy or crack, cocaine and coke, opiates like heroin, opium, morphine and codeine, and PCP or angel dust. Advancements in screening technology have made it very hard to fake the tests, but knowing all the differences between the tests, can be very helpful when it comes to certain situations.

Here is the breakdown

Urine screening is one of the most common types of drug examinations administered by most companies. They are the easiest method to tamper with since you will have a small window of privacy during the sample collection because you will be watched by laboratory staff.

Blood screening might be conducted to you if you get pulled over by police officers due to suspected drug intoxication. This kind of screening is tough to pass if you are regularly using illegal drugs because it is very effective at knowing exactly how much drug components are in your body. But if it has been a few days after you consumed illicit substances, there is a big chance that your result will come up negative compared to urine examination.

Saliva screening is sometimes used in place of urine or blood examination because they are less invasive. They are less sensitive compared to the blood examination. 

The hair follicle examination is challenging to cheat and impossible to fake. More or less 100 strands of hair will be evaluated in the laboratory to know whether they contain traces of illegal substances. Because it will take up more or less two weeks for the hair to grow long enough to be a viable sample, hair follicle test can’t tell whether an individual is using or used illicit substances for the past two weeks. 

But traces of illegal substances can stay in your follicles for up to three to four months or 90 to 120 days, so it is an effective method to know if you are a frequent or regular user.

Try to find out how much illegal substance is in your body. The method you will choose to pass the examination depends in part on how much of the substance the user thinks is in their system. For example, if you are just an occasional cannabis user, there is a big chance that there will be no traces of illegal substance after five to ten days. 

But heavy use of cocaine, cannabis, certain barbiturates and other illicit substances are detectable after fifteen to thirty days. If you are a chronic or regular cannabis user, the test that you take will read positive nine out of ten times. You will have a big chance of being able to detoxify your body and get a screening that reads negative. 

You need to remember that if your company or agency subject you to a hair follicle examination, anything you have used in the past three to four months or 90 to 120 days (except the latest drug use up to two weeks) will show up in the drug screening. All in all, all you need to do is know what type of test you will get and do the necessary steps to prepare to detoxify or get rid of drug components. Screenings are beatable if you know what you are doing.